Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Freaky Progesterone Dream

I don't really remember all the details but I know it involved a centaur and someone shooting flaming arrows from a bow. It was like being stuck in the land of Robin Hood meets Narnia or something. My husband was the hero of the dream. What a guy!

The 2ww continues.


CAM said...

I would say its official....the 2ww is making you lose your mind!!! HA!
Funny dream :)

Christy said...

At least you aren't dreaming about things that could really happen! I have always had really odd "premonition" type dreams, and they have come true. Creepy.

Anonymous said...

hmmm very interesting dream. I'm sure it means something about something or it could mean nothing about nothing!! Good luck, how much longer do you have till test day?