Thursday, July 24, 2008

2nd Report

6 fertilized.

I'm really losing my cool here. Will some of them hang around for transfer? Will we have any to freeze?

At this point, I'm not worried about freezing but just want there to be some good ones for transfer.

Still nervous.


Summer said...

Got my fingers crossed that you'll have some good ones for transfer.

HeidiM said...

I got the exact same report this morning - 6 fertilized. Here's to all of your & my little embies, may they grow and divide and bring us some miracles!!

Unknown said...

Odds are in your favor - you should end up with some good ones to transfer & freeze.

Rebeccah said...

Six is good. Hang on little embryos! Grow! Grow!

Wordgirl said...

My thoughts are with you -- I'm at a loss for any informed commenting -- IVF is my next step... but I'll be checking in and hoping and wishing all the very best for you in this next part of the journey!


Anonymous said...


I hope and pray and wish that this is IT for you! My thoughts will be with you until you get that 1st precious beta!

Ms. Perky said...

6 is good! Really! Here's to six perfectly dividing, beautiful blastocysts on day 5!