Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day Five Transfer on Monday

We're all set for a day 5 transfer on Monday at 1 pm (CA time).

I'm really excited.


Christy said...

That is fantastic news! I will be holding a good thought for you on Monday, and beyond, during your wait.

Roni said...

This sounds so incredibly promising!!! I am hoping that your embies grow grow grow and you have some great ones to transfer and leftovers to freeze!

Unknown said...

Oh that's SO wonderful! Sticky vibes to you!! Have a wonderful 2ww!!! (well, as wonderful as it can be!)

Meghan said...

Yeah!!!! This gives you some time to stock up on movies and magazines for you post-transfer rest. Good luck!

Phoebe said...

Great news! Good luck!

Rebeccah said...

Yay!!!! Grow little embryos, grow!

Anonymous said...

Great News!!!! FX, FX, FX

Kate said...

Wow!!! I can't wait to hear how everything went!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Summer said...

So very exciting!!